Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thomas L Friedman and "The World is Flat" saga

If you have not heard about Thomas L. Friedman of the NYT fame, then you really are missing out on what is happening in the global world. You will need to get out more, socialize as well as get acquainted with the happenings in the global media as well as take up reading.

Friedman has written an excellent book called as "The World is Flat". The beauty of this book is not in its status as a best seller but as a clear reflection of the global phenomenon that has happened in the last 20 years. He has clearly depicted how the world has flattened with a change in mindset, technology and just plain evolution.

Here is a video of Friedman talking about his book at MIT.

Personally, I find this book very thought provoking and inspiring. I do have to admit that in many cases, Friedman highlights a rosy picture of many things and does have a tendency to generalize things quoting one or two use cases.

You certainly can get to read the summary of the various chapters here.

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